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Pediatric Coding and Billing Services

Allow us to handle your billing responsibilities with Complete Revenue Cycle Management for 4-6% / collections.

What We Do

Pediatric services encompass a broad spectrum of care for infants, children, and adolescents, resulting in a multitude of billing codes. In such diversity, errors are inevitable, but DGMdistinguishes itself by not just eliminating but preventing these errors. Our advantage lies not only in our expert team but also in our over a decade of industry experience. We specialize in pediatric coding and billing, ensuring precise and error-free processes.

  1. No Exceptions The vaccine billing is an exception. It is frequently overlooked during claim preparation, resulting in a significant collective revenue loss. In contrast, our process ensures that no claim goes unchecked. It guarantees maximum reimbursement with no collection time delay.

How We Do

Decades of pediatric billing experience fuel our expertise. Having immersed extensively in this complex specialty, we adeptly handle diverse services claims and meticulously minimize errors. Our dedicated team leverages this deep knowledge to optimize coding precision for your pediatric practice. By diligently optimizing each billing detail, we build trust and financial efficiency, enabling you to focus on caring for your young patients. Our specialized skills empower pediatric claim success.