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  • +1-(430) 562-9789

Hospital Billing, Coding and Collection Services

Allow us to handle your billing responsibilities with Complete Revenue Cycle Management for 4-6% / collections.

What We Do

Our expertise lies in differentiating between physician and hospital billing, recognizing their unique intricacies. Physician billing emphasizes consultancy-to-prescription services, while hospital billing encompasses a comprehensive range of procedures, from consultation to prescribed labs, tests, and X-rays. We navigate these distinctions to ensure accurate and efficient billing processes tailored to the specific needs of physicians and hospitals.

How We Do

Our billing team brings deep knowledge of the specific coding and claim procedures for physicians and hospitals alike. By diligently applying their expertise to every detail, they are able to optimize and perfect billing processes for any practice, ensuring precision and adherence to all requirements. Our adaptable team provides customized optimization to guarantee billing accuracy and compliance, whether you are a physician or a hospital.

  • In-Patient and Out-Patient Billing The mistaking of in-patient and out-patient billing for the same as physician billing is not a mishap. It is a deliberate blunder that must be corrected as soon as possible. DGM, on the other hand, is not only a wise choice for rectification but also a skilled differentiator between the two.