• Your Trusted Service Provider

  • +1-(430) 562-9789

Mental Health & Therapist Credentialing Services

Allow us to handle your billing responsibilities with Complete Revenue Cycle Management for 4-6% / collections.

What We Offer Under This Service

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  1. Commercial Insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid Credentialing Whether your interactions involve commercial insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid, we are prepared to connect you with any insurance provider. Prioritizing credentialing with your most frequented providers ensures a smooth revenue flow. Our expanded representative network simplifies commercial, Medicare, and Medicaid credentialing, allowing you to elevate your practice's standards.
  2. Credentialing with CAQH Applying for mental health credentialing through CAQH is more efficient and comprehensive than traditional methods. We assist you in applying for credentialing across multiple insurance networks and plans, enhancing your chances of being credentialed by multiple institutions concurrently.
  3. Constant Supervision of Applications We believe constant monitoring of your credentialing application status is crucial. Our commitment to diligently address provider needs and proactively handle insurer requirements ensures a smooth and successful credentialing process.
  4. Timely Renewal of Credentials Credential expiration typically occurs every three years. We proactively notify you as your expiration date approaches, reminding you to initiate the recredentialing process. This seamless approach allows you to continue offering uninterrupted services.